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Personalise Multiple Follow Up Emails & More!




Some big tings happened since you logged in and i'm here to spill the beeeeeaaaans:


1) Multiple Follow Up Email Personalisation for Smart Scripts 😱

The game's changed, multi sequence personalisation has seen some customers see a FURTHER 70% bump in replies + appointments too


Imagine achieving the following in just one click


First Email: Intro using their recent podcast appearance

Second Email: Personalise using their company's VC funding

Third Email: Based on their recent LinkedIn Post


That's right, follow up personalisations for SmartScripts are now live 🚀multi-sequence.


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Once generated, push the data directly to your favourite email provider or download the CSV.


The CSV is formatted for automation, so all you need to do is map email_a(b), follow_up_email_1_a(b), etc...


The a/b are simple alternate variants, you can map either or at will without needing to review.


2) BONUS: LinkedIn Follow Up Emails Automation

We get it, mapping those pesky LinkedIn columns was cumbersome, some people have bio's missing and others have recent activity missing. So how do we get consistency for follow ups?


Simple, we've formatted the output for you so your CSVs are optimised for automation. Now with LinkedIn, when you "Export" you'll be given an option to "Export for automation"


You can now use LinkedIn to generate follow up email sequences with 0 added effort.

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Map the above column headers with your email CRM and you're off printing money.



3) Natively Integrate Lead Lists

You no longer need to do yucky import/exports for Lead List data. Its added as a native option for you to select from

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4) Other updates


  • The app response rate is faster
  • You are only charged for Deep Enrichment when we get data beyond the website, AKA news, case studies or blogs
  • Woodpecker is now available as an email sending service
  • AI updates and innacuracy fixes
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